The research project "XAll - A whole other guide" was funded by the TIM Foundation and realized by the University of Florence in collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Milan
Department of Architecture (UNIFI)
DIDA is one of the largest Departments of the University of Florence. It is responsible for promoting and coordinating research activity, organizing the teaching activity and PhD courses; it has 26 active internal Laboratories.
UNIFI team
The Team designs environments, products and systems for sport, culture, fragile people, healthcare and assistance. It carries out usability and product conformity checks; develops design guidelines and virtual simulations of user/environment/product interaction.
Alessia Brischetto
Scientific Coordinator
Ester Iacono
Research Fellow
Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering (POLIMI)
The Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering (DEIB) aims to be a world-class scientific institution fully engaged in cutting-edge research, education and technology transfer in the fields of computing, electronics, electrical, automation, telecommunications and of bioengineering.
Partners and collaborators
Museo Nazionale del Bargello
Paola D'Agostino - Director of the Bargello Museums
Ilaria Ciseri - official, art historian and curator of the Bargello National Museum
Silvia Catone - Administrative management assistant, contact person for relations for Museum education with schools and associations.
Museo di Palazzo Vecchio e Museo Stefano Bardini
Scientific coordination of:
Valentina Zucchi, Head of Mediation and Enhancement, MUS.E
Giaele Monaci, Mediation and enhancement area, MUS.E​
With the collaboration of:
Marina Gardini, Director of the Museums, Archives, Libraries Service, Municipality of Florence
Silvia Penna, E.Q. Civic Museums - Museums, Archives, Libraries, Municipality of Florence Service
Serena Pini, Curator of Palazzo Vecchio Museum and Stefano Bardini Museum, Municipality of Florence
Emanuele Crocetti, EQ Property and equipment security and Facility Manager Palazzo Vecchio, Municipality of Florence
Giorgio Caselli, Director of th Fine Arts Service and Palazzo Vecchio Factory, Municipality of Florence
Paolo Ferrara, E.Q. Building of Palazzo Vecchio, Churches and Convents, Municipality of Florence
Tommaso Muccini, E.Q. Palaces, Villas and City Monuments, Municipality of Florence
Giuseppe De Grazia, Buildings, Villas and City Monuments Service, Municipality of Florence
Thanks to: Alessia Bettini, Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Culture, Tourism, Participation, Active Citizenship, Maintenance and Decorum, Municipality of Florence; Matteo Spanò, President, MUS.E; Gabriella Farsi, Director of Culture and Sport, Municipality of Florence; Andrea Bianchi, Responsabile operativo, MUS.E
For observations in the field
ENS - Associazione italiana sordi (Sez. Provinciale Firenze)
Roberto Petrone (Presidente Provinciale), Marco Guidotti, Daniela Ferroni
Roberta Monnetti, Daniela Cavini, Gianni Bindelli, Valentina Rossi (Interprete).
UICI - Unione Italiana Ciechi e Ipovedenti (Firenze)
Niccolò Zeppi, Sonia Caputo, Inka Brazzini, Ida Murru, Letizia Zambini, Silvia Secchi, Andrea Rinelli.
HABILIA - Associazione di Paratetraplegici e altri disabili motori
Giuliano Corradeschi, Vito D’aloisio, Verena Moser
Video LIS e IS
Associazione ENS - Ente Nazionale Sordi
Sezione Provinciale di Firenze
Roberto Petrone (Provincial President)
Marco Guidotti (Couselor)
Daniela Ferroni
Roberta Monnetti
Daniela Cavini
Gianni Bindelli
Susanna Ricci Bitti (Narrator LIS - IS)
For shooting and editing LIS AND IS Videos ​
Laboratorio Foto Video per il Design e l’Architettura
Marcello Scalzo (head of the Lab)
Parisa Darv (camera and editing)
with the participation of Ilaria Malvone.
For voiceover of audio descriptions
Mike Corradi
For the translation of contents in English
(APP and Audio Tracks)
Bonnie Rubiens