Stefano Bardini Museum
We thank the MUS.E association for the support given to the survey phase with the users, and to the subsequent phase of identifying the visit routes and the related information contents used for the experimentation.
With reference to the objectives underlying the "Xall - A whole other guide" project, the itinerary and the relative stages of the visit were defined by selecting some of the main areas of the museum, in order to carry out a pilot experiment and implement it over the time of a visit fully inclusive.
Edited by / Scientific coordination of:
Valentina Zucchi, Mediation and valorisation manager, MUS.E
Giaele Monaci, Mediation and enhancement area, MUS.E
With the valuable collaboration of:
Marina Gardini, Director of the Museums, Archives, Libraries Service, Municipality of Florence
Silvia Penna, E.Q. Civic Museums - Museums, Archives, Libraries, Municipality of Florence Service
Serena Pini, Curator of Palazzo Vecchio Museum and Stefano Bardini Museum, Municipality of Florence
Emanuele Crocetti, EQ Property and equipment security and Facility Manager Palazzo Vecchio, Municipality of Florence
Giorgio Caselli, Director of the Fine Arts Service and Palazzo Vecchio Factory, Municipality of Florence
Paolo Ferrara, E.Q. Building of Palazzo Vecchio, Churches and Convents, Municipality of Florence
Tommaso Muccini, E.Q. Palaces, Villas and City Monuments, Municipality of Florence
Giuseppe De Grazia, Buildings, Villas and City Monuments Service, Municipality of Florence
Thank you:
Alessia Bettini, Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Culture, Tourism, Participation, Active Citizenship, Maintenance and Decorum, Municipality of Florence
Matteo Spanò, President, MUS.E
Gabriella Farsi, Director of Culture and Sport, Municipality of Florence
Andrea Bianchi, Operations Manager, MUS.E
The path of experimentation
XALL Route Audio Tracks
International Sign Language (IS) - Video
coming soon
Xall Project
Xall Project
Video LIS 1 | Museo Nazionale del Bargello: il palazzo
Video LIS 2 | Il confronto dei David di Donatello e del Verrocchio
Video LIS 1 | Palazzo vecchio, Firenze
For the IS videos we thank the Associazione ENS - Ente Nazionale Sordi Sezione Provinciale di Firenze.
Thanks to the filming and editing Laboratorio Foto Video per il Design e l’Architettura.
The Tactile Stations
Tactile stations made by the company Tactile Studio
Stefano Bardini Museum
Via dei Renai, 37, 50125 Firenze, FI
Stefano Bardini Museum website